What are fully washed coffee beans

Understanding Fully Washed Coffee Beans: A Specialty Coffee Guide


Speciality coffee has gained immense popularity in recent years, introducing terms and techniques that might be unfamiliar to those new to the coffee scene. Among these terms, "Fully Washed coffee beans" stands out, representing a specific coffee bean processing method. This article will delve into the definition and significance of Fully Washed coffee beans.


What are Fully Washed Coffee Beans?


Fully-washed coffee beans, also known as wet-processed coffee beans, are a specialised coffee processing method that focuses on swiftly removing the cherry fruit from the coffee bean immediately after harvest. This method involves a series of meticulous steps, commencing with soaking freshly picked cherries in water for several days. This soaking process plays an important role in breaking down the fruit's outer layer, facilitating its removal. After the cherries have been soaked, they undergo a mechanised procedure that removes the fruit's outer layer, leaving only the coffee bean. Multiple rinses follow to eliminate lingering fruit particles before the beans are dried.


Fully washed coffee beans drying


Why are Fully Washed Coffee Beans So Highly Prized?


Fully-washed coffee beans hold a special place in the speciality coffee industry, celebrated for their ability to yield a clean, bright, and consistently flavoured cup of coffee. By removing the outer layer of the fruit, Fully Washed coffee beans offer a more uniform flavour profile, minimising the chances of encountering off flavours or defects. Additionally, the washing process contributes to preserving the coffee bean's inherent acidity.


According to an article from Perfect Daily Grind, washing coffee "can eliminate any impurities that may have been acquired during harvesting or processing, which can contribute to defects and off-flavours." The same article highlights that the washing process can be time-consuming and labour-intensive, contributing to the relatively higher cost of Fully Washed coffee beans when compared to other processing methods.


What is fully washed coffee


Let's sum this up

In summary, Fully Washed coffee beans represent a meticulous coffee processing method focused on removing the outer layer of the fruit, resulting in a beautifully balanced cup of coffee. These beans are highly rated in the speciality coffee industry due to their ability to remove impurities and preserve the coffee bean's natural acidity, resulting in a superior flavour and consistency that many coffee connoisseurs are willing to pay a premium for. As the coffee industry continues to evolve, it remains captivating to witness how Fully Washed coffee beans and other processing methods shape the speciality coffee landscape.



Fully Washed coffee beans Burundi

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Fully washed coffee FAQ's

Where is fully washed coffee commonly produced?

Fully washed coffee is produced in various coffee-growing regions around the world, including countries like Colombia, Kenya, Ethiopia, and many Central American nations.

Are there any environmental concerns associated with fully washed coffee processing?

The wastewater produced during washing can be environmentally
challenging if not properly managed. However, many coffee producers are implementing eco-friendly practices and wastewater treatment systems to mitigate these concerns.

Can fully washed coffee beans be used for espresso?

Yes, fully washed coffee beans are commonly used for espresso brewing. Their bright acidity and clean flavors can make for a delightful espresso shot.

How should I store fully washed coffee beans to maintain freshness?

To keep fully washed coffee beans fresh, store them in an airtight
container in a cool, dark place. Avoid exposure to air, moisture, heat, and direct sunlight.

Can fully washed coffee be roasted as both light and dark roasts?

Yes, fully washed coffee can be roasted to various levels, depending on the desired flavour profile. Light roasts may emphasise the coffee's
acidity and floral notes, while dark roasts can develop more robust and
chocolatey flavours.