Meaning of coffee beans on espresso martini

What is the Meaning of Coffee Beans on an Espresso Martini?

The Meaning of Coffee Beans on an Espresso Martini

As the world's most loved coffee-based cocktail, the espresso martini has rightfully earned its place in bartending royalty. Its rich, decadent flavour, perfectly balanced with the warmth of espresso and the coolness of vodka, has captivated cocktail lovers worldwide. Yet, beneath the surface of its taste lies a subtle yet significant detail – the garnish of three coffee beans on top of each glass.

These coffee beans are not an afterthought of decoration; they carry profound symbolism and a culinary nod to the origins of the much-loved cocktail. The meaning behind the coffee beans on an espresso martini is health, wealth and happiness, a reminder of the rich history of coffee.


The three coffee beans on an espresso martini represent health, wealth, and happiness.

What is an espresso martini?

The espresso martini is a popular cocktail made of a shot of espresso, vodka, and a coffee liqueur such as Kahlua or Patron XO Café. Espresso martinis are best served shaken with ice before pouring into a v-shaped martini glass with three coffee beans garnished on top. Its rich aroma and velvety texture make it the perfect cocktail choice for those who fancy a rich coffee kick with an alcoholic twist. 

Meaning of coffee beans on espresso martini

Espresso martinis are not just confined to trendy cocktail bars. Pubs and bars are increasingly offering espresso martinis on their menus, further demonstrating the cocktail's popularity and its ability to attract more customers.

In 2022, a survey by Club Mirror revealed that espresso martinis were the UK's favourite cocktailbeating popular choices like strawberry daiquiris, mojitos, and pina coladas. The survey polled 2,000 adults across the UK, with 35% of respondents naming espresso martinis as their top choice for a cocktail.

The Origins of the Coffee Bean Garnish on Espresso Martinis

The tradition of garnishing espresso martinis with coffee beans can be traced back to Italy, the birthplace of espresso and a culture steeped in coffee heritage. In the 1950s, sambuca, an Italian anise liqueur, emerged as a popular after-dinner drink. It was typically served with three coffee beans, a practice called 'con la mosca', or, 'with the fly'.

But the meaning behind the three coffee beans is rooted in Italian folklore. The most common interpretation suggests that the coffee beans represent the three blessings of God – health, wealth, and happiness.

The Symbolism of Coffee Beans in Espresso Martinis

As espresso martinis gained popularity, the tradition of garnishing them with coffee beans was adopted. The three coffee beans on top of each glass serve as a reminder of the cocktail's Italian roots and the enduring connection between coffee and good fortune.


Coffee beans are rich in antioxidants and other beneficial compounds that have been linked to health benefits such as improved heart health, reduced risk of type two diabetes, and enhanced cognitive function. Placing three coffee beans on an espresso martini serves as a symbolic toast to the health-promoting properties of coffee.


Coffee beans are at the heart of the global coffee trade, a multi-billion dollar industry that generates significant economic activity in various countries. The three coffee beans on an espresso martini serve as a symbolic representation of the wealth and prosperity associated with the coffee industry.


Coffee is often associated with feelings of happiness and well-being. Studies have shown that coffee consumption can elevate mood, reduce stress, and enhance mental alertness. The three coffee beans on an espresso martini serve as a symbolic expression of the happiness and satisfaction that coffee can bring.


Meaning of coffee beans on espresso martini




The three coffee beans on an espresso martini are more than just a decorative flourish; they represent the rich history, symbolism, and culinary appeal of coffee. They serve as a reminder of the drink's Italian origins, the connection between coffee and well-being, and the delightful flavours that make the espresso martini a beloved classic.


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