What is the"natural process"?

What is the"natural process"?

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world, with millions of people enjoying it every day. However, not all coffee is created equal, and specialty coffee has gained popularity in recent years due to its unique flavour and higher quality. In this blog post, we will explore the natural process of coffee beans in specialty coffee.

  • What is specialty coffee?
Specialty coffee is coffee that has been grown, processed and roasted to a higher standard than regular coffee. It is graded and cupped by trained professionals who evaluate the quality of the beans based on factors such as flavour, aroma, and acidity. Specialty coffee typically scores 80 points or higher on a 100-point scale, with anything below 80 considered regular coffee.
  • Natural Process:
The natural process, also known as the dry process, is one of the three main processing methods for coffee beans. It is the oldest and most traditional method, dating back to when coffee was first discovered in Ethiopia. The natural process involves drying the coffee cherries in the sun, leaving the beans inside to ferment and absorb the fruit's sweetness.
The first step in the natural process is to harvest ripe coffee cherries by hand. The cherries are then sorted to remove any damaged or underripe cherries, leaving only the best quality cherries for processing. The cherries are then spread out in a single layer on raised drying beds, where they are left to dry in the sun for several weeks.
During this time, the cherries are regularly turned to ensure even drying and prevent mould growth. As the cherries dry, the beans inside absorb the fruit's natural sugars, giving them a unique flavour profile. Once the cherries are dry, the outer fruit is removed, leaving only the coffee beans.
The natural process is popular among specialty coffee growers as it allows the beans to develop unique and complex flavours. However, it is also the riskiest method, as the beans are exposed to the elements and can easily become damaged or contaminated.
  • Shall we sum that all up?
Specialty coffee is all about the attention to detail, from the way the beans are grown and harvested to the way they are roasted and brewed. The natural process is just one of the methods used to produce high-quality specialty coffee, but it is perhaps the most traditional and offers a unique flavour profile that cannot be found in other processing methods. If you are a coffee lover looking to try something new, then specialty coffee is definitely worth exploring. Why not check out some different brewing methods?
  • References:
Specialty Coffee Association. (n.d.). What is Specialty Coffee?
Perfect Daily Grind. (2020, January 8). The Natural Coffee Processing Method Explained.
Blue Bottle Coffee. (n.d.). Coffee Processing Methods.
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