How about some Brazilian?

How about some Brazilian?

Brazillian Coffee

Brazil is one of the largest producers of coffee in the world, and the country is known for producing some of the finest speciality coffee beans. With over 300,000 coffee farms spread across the country, Brazil is home to a diverse range of coffee varieties, each with its unique flavour profile.

Where its grown

Brazilian speciality coffee is grown in the mountainous regions of the country, where the altitude and climate are ideal for coffee production. The most popular coffee varieties in Brazil are Bourbon, Catuai, and Mundo Novo. These varieties produce coffee beans with a rich and complex flavour, making Brazilian coffee a favourite among coffee connoisseurs worldwide. Some of the best Brazilian coffee beans are grown in the regions of Minas Gerais, São Paulo, and Bahia. 


Brazilian coffee is known for its nutty, chocolatey, and caramel notes, making it perfect for espresso-based drinks. The coffee is also a favourite among those who prefer a smoother, less acidic cup of coffee. Brazilian coffee is versatile, making it an excellent choice for different brewing methods, including drip, pour-over, and cafetiere.

Unique features

One of the unique features of Brazilian coffee production is the way the coffee beans are processed. The traditional method used in Brazil is the natural process, where the coffee cherries are dried with the fruit still intact. This gives the coffee beans a fruity and sweet flavour, which is characteristic of Brazilian coffee. The natural process also gives the coffee a low acidity level, making it easier on the stomach.

Coffee process

Another popular method of processing Brazilian coffee is the pulped natural process. In this method, the coffee cherries are pulped to remove the fruit, but the beans are left to dry with some of the mucilage still intact. This gives the coffee beans a unique flavour, combining the sweetness of the natural process with the clean taste of the washed process.

Brazilian coffee is also produced using the washed process, where the coffee cherries are pulped and the beans are washed with water to remove the fruit. This process produces a cleaner taste, with a brighter acidity than the natural or pulped natural methods.


In conclusion, Brazilian speciality coffee is a must-try for coffee lovers around the world. With its rich and complex flavour profile and unique processing methods, Brazilian coffee is a favourite among coffee connoisseurs. So, the next time you're looking to try a new coffee, make sure to try Brazilian speciality coffee for a truly unique and unforgettable experience!


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